Friday, December 18, 2015

Important Steps Involved In Writing Stories And Books...

thebookofeveryone skyscraper           Important Steps Involved In Writing Stories And Books 

Writing stories and books is not an easy task for writers no matter how talented they are... Even after starting a project for writing stories, writers can often lose interest and fail to continue with it successfully till the end. It needs a great deal of patience to take a writing project till the end without facing difficulties and obstructions.

One of the biggest problems writers face during writing a book is writer's block. Writer's block is a scary situation for any writer where they lose their ability to create something new and unique. This can happen due to a number of reasons, starting from their inability to think of a new idea of something much more serious and complicated. It is extremely important for writers to avoid writer's block in order to continue with their writing success. This is probably the most important aspect that a writer needs to take care of while writing a book in order to keep up their passion for writing and avoid chances for losing interest.

There are various important steps involved in writing stories and books successfully. Let us discuss some of the significant steps:

The first and the most important step involved in writing books and stories is to come up with an idea. Only when there is a concrete and clear idea can you develop into a story.

Once you have the idea, the very next step involves developing the idea into characters and define them distinctly. You need to give names to your characters and define their nature and personality. It is important to form characters that your target readers can relate to. Beautifully defined characters contribute immensely in making your story attractive and original.

Define the emotions your characters go through. In order to make the characters convincing, it is extremely important to be able to portray their feelings, thoughts and emotions in the most beautiful and descriptive manner so that your readers can experience the same emotions along with them.

Every story must have a beautiful beginning, an intriguing and gripping middle and of course an appropriate ending. The three portions must be designed as demanded by the subject of your story in order to make your story impressive and remarkable.

One of the common techniques that can be followed in order to make your story captivating and attractive is to add a dilemma or problem in some of your characters. A problem that needs to be solved can make your story intriguing. This is an excellent way to hold your readers to the book till the end to find out whether the problem could be solved.

A story would become dull and boring if it is always about perfect people doing the right things. Conflicts are real and are expected to occur. A conflict does not necessarily need to be among different characters. It can also be an inner conflict that a character can face as a result of a dilemma.

The ending of a story contributes immensely the level of impact the story would make on the minds of the readers. Endings do not necessarily need to be happy. It is only important to make them appropriate and consistent with the story.
Life Of Writers is a reputed website providing writers a platform to interact with contemporaries and share each others' views and ideas. It is an excellent place to talk to writers and acquire important tips on writing stories and books.

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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Personalized Books?

Personalised Softcover Express Book - $34.50
What if you could write a book for one specific customer, featuring that customer as the hero or heroine of your story?

J. S. "Fletch" Fletcher and Kathy Newbern, a couple of very creative writers, started a business in 1992 offering readers the chance to star in their own romance/adventure novel.

Romance novels are big sellers, generating a billion dollars a year in sales. What die hard romance novel reader would pass by the chance to read a novel where she is the star...and gets the guy at the end?, Fletch and Kathy's site, was one of the first to offer personalized books. They used a computer and personally bound the books themselves with plastic comb bindings.

Today, their business is much more sophisticated, using Print On Demand technology to create high quality perfect bound (paperback) and hard cover novels that are customized for each reader. Fletch and Kathy, avid travelers, circle the globe researching romantic locations that they use in their novels and adventure stories.

Readers complete an online profile providing 26 details about themselves, including eye color, hometown, and even the type of car driven. They can select from a variety of settings and story types.

In a week, their one-of-a-kind novel is ready to read.

Kathy and Fletch typically do 65% of their business in the weeks leading up to Valentine's Day. In fact, they do about 200 radio, TV, and print interviews during that time too, getting media coverage in People, USA Today, The View, and The Today Show, as well as many others.
Personalised Softcover Express Book

  • What can you learn from this story?

  • Does it spark a few ideas in your mind?

I automatically thought of books personalized for
businesses and distributed to employees
conference attendees
clients of highly paid consultants or coaches
patients of physicians in a specialty area
readers of different age groups
While this idea is not appropriate for all, with today's Print On Demand Publishing, it would not be difficult to create personalized books. In fact, it sounds like fun.

Let this idea sift through your mind a bit and see if it is useful for you.

Need a book to build your business? Lynne Klippel is an author and publisher who specializes in helping entrepreneurs and aspiring authors write non-fiction books.

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